Justin N. Fennell, an executive coach and consultant with leadershipForward, brings 35 years of experience in equipping and mobilizing organizations and their leadership in a variety of venues and contexts. His primary focus is helping clients generate sustainable breakthrough performance through effective and profound leadership.


Most of his clients have been non-profit leaders with significant responsibilities for driving transformative change in the delivery of reliable, effective and value-based services. Justin brings toleadershipForward a variety of organizations he has served. Some of these include the U.S. Air Force, Southeastern University, Advent Health, Mission of Mercy, Faith Bible College Int’l, International Cooperating Ministries (ICM), Hope Now, Christian Comedy Association (CCA), Latin American Child Care, CUPS International, YMCA, and Salvation Army.


Justin is known for his innovative training, executive coaching, strategic consulting and engaging speaking. In addition to his work with leadershipForward, Justin has also provided thoughtful leadership, management training, and organizational development advising on issues related to institutional advancement. He understands and consults on best practices to establish effective and efficient management to financially elevate the organization. 

 Justin has doctoral training in clinical psychology from Argosy Professional School of Psychology, a M.A. in Counseling from Denver Seminary, and a B.A. from Southeastern University in Philosophy and Religion. He is currently seeking his mastercertification with the International Coach Federation (ICF). He has been recognized in national publications, broadcast and cable networks, and numerous professional recording and achievement awards. He lives with his wife, Dretha and their family in Lakeland, FL (since 1986).