“When we get too caught up in the busyness of the world, we lose connection with one another – and ourselves.”
– Jack Kornfield

I spend a lot of my time around technology.  I've never considered myself a techno-guy but I am a consistent user.  As a user, technology can also be a distraction.  This week, we learn about leveraging it!

My guest on this episode is Robert Plotkin.  Robert has not only a tech background but also a martial arts background, which make him uniquely qualified to put the two concepts together to show how we can use technology to actually increase our mindfulness practices.

I had so much fun talking with Robert and learned a whole lot in the process.  Take some time to listen to this episode so you can learn to integrate technology into your mindfulness practices rather than having it distract you.


More on Robert...

Robert is the Founder of Technology for Mindfulness, a leading blog and Top 40 iTunes podcast on science, technology, and mindfulness.
In his Tap Into Mindfulness program, he teaches people how to be less distracted by their smartphones and how to retake control over their time to be more focused, productive, and creative. His unique approach to technology and mindfulness stems from his combination of expertise in technology (as an MIT-educated computer scientist), decades of experience with Japanese martial arts, and training in Mindfulness- Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). He has written seven books on the social impact of computer technology, is a co-founder of the Hack Your Mind program at MIT, and the host of the Technology for Mindfulness podcast.

Connect with him on his website: http://technologyformindfulness.com/

