Previous Episode: 82. The Cross

“Jesus and all the treasures of heaven are ours on the altar.” This week Sara joins me once again to discuss conference number 9 of I Believe in Love, on the Eucharist. 

Father Jean shares the beauty and glorious gift of Jesus in the Eucharist .  “The Mass is the divine act around which the lodge of the Church gravitates and of which she is the radiance; the center from which she receives all impulses and toward which she is continually directed; the living source from which she proceeds and the ocean to which she returns”

And after receiving Jesus in the Eucharist at each and every Mass, we get go out into the world glorifying God as our own personal Eucharistic adoration chapels. 

Discussion Questions:

1. “At the moment of receiving Communion, say to Jesus, ‘Jesus, I come to You because I am weak, because I am miserable, because I am a sinner. I come to You because I have so much need of You.” Do you feel a great need to receive Communion?

2. The Mass is so important, yet most of us attend only once a week. What keeps us from making the Mass a higher priority?

3. Being part of the royal priesthood means that we are to bring holiness to every aspect of our life and every activity in our day. In what ways do you bring holiness into your daily life? In what other ways can we do this?

I hope this episode encouraged you and gave you the hope to continue to turn your heart to our most perfect God!

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