Previous Episode: 19. Don't Be the Accuser
Next Episode: 21. Guilt vs Shame

My Cup Overflows: ”For it is out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks.” -Luke 6:45

What is it that we are filling our hearts and minds with? Is our cup full of dirty water that has been muddled with anger, resentment, comparison or greed, so that when the world bumps us , which it will, this is what comes spilling out? Or are we taking the time to fill  our cup with all that is good, beautiful, and true so when our mouth speaks only the pure clean water of God’s goodness pours out? 

Join me as I contemplate the importance of paying attention to what we take in, so we can bear fruit with what we pour out!

Blessings friends 🤍

I hope this episode encouraged you and gave you the hope to continue to turn your heart to our most perfect God!

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