Where did you start and develop your love for instruction and teaching? DaSnipa
What would you say is your faith system? And further, what is your relationship/history with Christianity or religion? Adam
With your passion for the meaning and creation of words, how do you feel about God tasking Adam with naming all the animals in Genesis? Adam
What have you learned about yourself recently? What do you think about dating and relationships? Hayden
What is your spirit animal?
I see your lifting tiktoks on occasion… I’m a big lifter as well. What’s your bodyweight? Max Deadlift, Squat, and Bench? Samwisethegamgeeee
Are you an introvert or an extrovert? snitchesgetstitches
What qualities are important for you in a partner? How do you set healthy boundaries in a relationship? Robert
What do you think about the phrase “you’re the sum of the five people you spend the most time with?” Jam
What was your perspective on mental health growing up versus now? lionelmessi