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Podcast | Latin in Layman’s - A Rhetoric Revolution

1. Hyperactive:

   - Definition: Excessively or abnormally active.

   - Etymology: "Hyper" (over, above) + "active" (from Latin "activus," meaning active).

2. Hyperbole:

   - Definition: Exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.

   - Etymology: "Hyper" (beyond, over) + "bole" (throwing, casting) from the Greek word "bolḗ," originally related to throwing, hence exaggeration.

3. Hypercritical:

   - Definition: Excessively or unreasonably critical.

   - Etymology: "Hyper" (excessive) + "critical" (from Latin "criticus," meaning able to judge).

4. Hyperextend:

   - Definition: To extend a joint or limb beyond its normal or healthy range of motion.

   - Etymology: "Hyper" (beyond) + "extend" (from Latin "extendere," meaning to stretch out).

5. Hypermarket:

   - Definition: A large retail store that offers a wide variety of products, typically including groceries and other goods.

   - Etymology: "Hyper" (above, beyond) + "market" (from Latin "mercatus," meaning a place of trade).

6. Hyperplasia:

   - Definition: An abnormal increase in the number of cells or tissues in an organ.

   - Etymology: "Hyper" (excessive) + "plasia" (from Greek "plásis," meaning a molding or forming).

7. Hyperthermia:

   - Definition: Abnormally high body temperature, often caused by illness or environmental factors.

   - Etymology: "Hyper" (above, beyond) + "thermia" (from Greek "thermē," meaning heat).

8. Hyperlink:

   - Definition: A reference or navigation element in an electronic document that links to another location.

   - Etymology: "Hyper" (over, above) + "link" (referring to connecting one element to another).

9. Hyperrealism:

   - Definition: A style of art or literature that depicts details with such precision that it appears more real than reality.

   - Etymology: "Hyper" (excessive) + "realism" (from Latin "realis," meaning real).

10. Hyperopia:

   - Definition: A vision condition, also known as farsightedness, where distant objects are seen more clearly than close ones.

   - Etymology: "Hyper" (beyond) + "opia" (from Greek "ops," meaning eye).

11. Hyperglycemia:

   - Definition: High levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood, often associated with diabetes.

   - Etymology: "Hyper" (excessive) + "glycemia" (from Greek "glukus," meaning sweet or sugar).

12. Hyperbolic:

   - Definition: Exaggerated or overemphasized in a way that goes beyond reality.

   - Etymology: "Hyper" (beyond) + "bolic" (from Greek "ballein," meaning to throw).

13. Hyperdrive:

   - Definition: A fictional propulsion system in science fiction that allows spacecraft to travel at faster-than-light speeds.

   - Etymology: "Hyper" (excessive) + "drive" (referring to the mechanism that powers a vehicle).

14. Hypernationalism:

   - Definition: An extreme form of nationalism characterized by an excessive devotion to one's own nation.

   - Etymology: "Hyper" (excessive) + "nationalism" (from Latin "natio," meaning nation).

15. Hyperurbanization:

   - Definition: The rapid and excessive growth of cities and urban areas.

   - Etymology: "Hyper" (excessive) + "urbanization" (from Latin "urbanus," meaning relating to the city).

16. Hypercritical:

   - Definition: Excessively or unreasonably critical.

   - Etymology: "Hyper" (excessive) + "critical" (from Latin "criticus," meaning able to judge).