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Podcast | Latin in Layman’s - A Rhetoric Revolution

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Plasticity: The quality or condition of being pliable or moldable, often used to refer to brain plasticity. Etymologically, from the Greek “plassein”, meaning “to shape or form”.

Plastic: Any synthetic material composed of polymers that can be molded into various shapes and forms. Etymologically, from the Greek “plassein”, meaning “to shape or form”.

Plasterer: A worker who applies plaster or plasterboard to interior walls and ceilings. Etymologically, from the Greek “plassein”, meaning “to shape or form”.

Plasmon: A collective oscillation of free electrons in a metal or other conductor. Etymologically, from the Greek “plassein”, meaning “to shape or form”.

Plasticize: To make a material more plastic or pliable. Etymologically, from the Greek “plassein”, meaning “to shape or form”.

Plastid: An organelle found in eukaryotic cells that is responsible for the synthesis, storage, and/or metabolism of specific nutrients. Etymologically, from the Greek “plassein”, meaning “to shape or form”.

Plasmolysis: The shrinking of a cell when placed in a concentrated solution, resulting in dehydration. Etymologically, from the Greek “plassein”, meaning “to shape or form”.

Plasmodium: A genus of parasitic protists that can cause diseases in humans, such as malaria. Etymologically, from the Greek “plassein”, meaning “to shape or form”.

Plasmin: An enzyme that helps dissolve the clotting of blood during the healing process. Etymologically, from the Greek “plassein”, meaning “to shape or form”.

Plasmapheresis: A medical procedure involving the removal of plasma from the blood and its replacement with a plasma substitute. Etymologically, from the Greek “plassein”, meaning “to shape or form”.

Plastron: The bony or armored ventral surface of the body in a turtle or tortoise. Etymologically, from the Greek “plassein”, meaning “to shape or form”.

Plasticizer: A substance added to a material to increase its flexibility, workability, and/or durability. Etymologically, from the Greek “plassein”, meaning “to shape or form”.

Hyperplasia (Greek root: hyper, "over, above, excessive" + plassein, "to form, mold")

Actual Definitions

1. Excessive or abnormal cell growth or multiplication of cells in an organ or tissue due to increased activity of the cells.

2. Enlargement of an organ due to increased cell proliferation.

Etymological Definitions

1. Hyperplastic: Having cells which form abnormally or excessively.

2. Hyperplastically: Characterized by or caused by excessive or abnormal cell growth or multiplication.