Abductor pollicis brevis; Latin for "short abductor of the thumb", Lateral surface of the radius, Base of the proximal phalanx of the thumb, Abducts the thumb
Abductor pollicis longus, Latin for "long abductor of the thumb", Lateral surface of the ulna, Base of the proximal phalanx of the thumb, Abducts the thumb
Adductor brevis; Latin for "short adductor", Pubis, Medial side of the first metacarpal bone, Adducts the thumb
Adductor hallucis; Latin for "adductor of the big toe", Pubis, ischium, and femur, Base of the proximal phalanx of the big toe, Adducts the big toe
Adductor longus; Latin for "long adductor" Pubis Medial side of the shaft of the femur Adducts the thigh
Adductor magnus; Latin for "great adductor", Pubis, ischium, and femur, Medial side of the shaft of the femur, Adducts the thigh
Biceps brachii; Latin for "two-headed muscle of the arm", Coracoid process of the scapula and supraglenoid tubercle of the humerus, Radius and bicipital aponeurosis, Flexes the forearm and supinates the forearm
Brachialis; Latin for "muscle of the arm", Anterior surface of the humerus, Coronoid process of the ulna, Flexes the forearm
Bregmaticus; Latin for "pertaining to the bregma", Frontal bone Skin of the forehead, Elevates the eyebrows and wrinkles the forehead Frontalis
Carpometacarpales; Latin for "carpal and metacarpal", Several muscles, Carpal bones and metacarpal bones, Flex, extend, abduct, and adduct the fingers
Deltoid; Greek for "triangular", Lateral third of the clavicle, acromion process of the scapula, and spine of the scapula, Deltoid tuberosity of the humerus Abducts the arm
Erector spinae; Latin for "erector of the spine", Several muscles, Vertebral column Extends and rotates the spine
Flexor carpi radialis; Latin for "flexor of the wrist", Medial epicondyle of the humerus, Base of the second metacarpal bone, Flexes the wrist
Flexor carpi ulnaris; Latin for "flexor of the wrist", Ulna, Pisiform bone, Flexes the wrist and ulnar deviates the hand,
Flexor digitorum profundus; Latin for "deep flexor of the fingers", Ulna and radius, Base of the distal phalanges of the fingers, Flexes the fingers
Flexor digitorum superficialis; Latin for "superficial flexor of the fingers", Middle phalanges of the fingers, Base of the middle phalanges of the fingers, Flexes the fingers
Flexor hallucis longus; Latin for "long flexor of the big toe", Tibia and fibula, Base of the distal phalanx of the big toe, Flexes the big toe