Rachel Cassandra has come a long way since her first exposure to dancing (folk dancing to be precise). She is a true dancing journeyman (ok, woman) having danced salsa, bachata, swing, lindy and more. But then she found her love of kizomba which completely suited her body and preferences. She is founder of Kizomba Community and an instructor in Kizomba who has traveled all over the place teaching and dancing Kizomba.
Today on the show we talk about what Kizomba is, why it is getting so popular, the culture surrounding the dance and of course, talking about her viral post, "Five Lies You've Been Told About Kizomba". If you've read the post, today's convo will elaborate on Rachel's thoughts written there. 
If you don't know about Kizomba, consider this interview your primer on the topic! 
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