Dr. Nancy Lee is a clinical psychologist in private practice in Beverly Hills, California and the author of Don’t Sleep With Him Yet: A Badass Guide to Dating in 10 Empowering Steps.  A Vitals Patients’ Choice award recipient, Dr. Lee applies a unique blend of clinical and scholarly expertise to interpersonal relationships, depression and anxiety, and psychosexual desire and functioning.  Dr. Lee has been interviewed by the Los Angeles Times, Cosmopolitan, Oprah magazine, Bustle, Yahoo News, Betches, Tinder.com, KNBC, FOX, and KTTV, among others.  She has also been featured on the Jenny McCarthy Show, iHeartRadio, Deborah Kobylt Live, LA Talk Radio, and this is her second appearance on Last First Date Radio!

In this episode:

How to empower women to thrive in today’s confusing dating and sex scene
Why women often don’t trust their instincts around men and relationships
How women can learn to trust their instincts
Surprising things men share about dating and relationships
Why so many women have sex out of obligation
Men to avoid
And more