Adding a paid support group to your course is an incredible way to build a community around your brand, while also helping your students with premium support and generating recurring revenue at the same time. There are plenty of places that you could house a paid support group, but we've found that Facebook is the best option right now. Facebook groups allow you to reach more of your students organically, go live in the group, post events, and much more.

But before you start a paid support group for your course on Facebook, you'll want to set a few ground rules and systems so that everything runs smoothly. Will you have paid coaches? What “office hours” are you going to provide for your students? Will there be live coaching?

The possibilities are endless, and the reality is that you can structure the group however you'd like to. The group will become a part of your life (not just your business), so you'll need to make sure that you design the structure around what works best for you and your business for years to come.