In this episode, we chat with Fluent in 3 Months Challenge participant and winner, Evelyn, who learned Korean during the pandemic.

This episode features Evelyn, who learned conversational Korean in just 90 days with the Fluent in 3 Months Challenge.

We actually guarantee that anyone who completes the Fluent in 3 Months Challenge will have a 15-minute conversation in their new language after 90 days of learning. You can find out more here.

In our chat with Evelyn shares how she made huge leaps forward in her Korean learning with the support of community in the Fluent in 3 Months Challenge.

Featured Resources
Fluent in 3 Months book
Fluent in 3 Months Challenge
Mentioned in this Episode
Fluent in 3 Months book
Fluent in 3 Months Challenge
Episode Overview

Some of the topics brought up during the interview are:
How to maintain motivation through community
Fighting perfectionism when learning a very different language
Why the resources you use don’t matter as much as the time you’re putting in
Having success during lockdown with the Fluent in 3 Months challenge
Keys to her success with the Korean language and what makes Korean easy
How the community helped her overcome learning plateaus
Using drills to learn Korean
Thinking differently because of Korean
Understanding Gangnam Style
How to deal with bad days in language learning
Podcast theme: “A New Beginning” by Shannon Kennedy