Are dead languages worth learning?

Latin learner, polyglot, and professional translator Brian Powell answers this question by explaining his experience with learning Latin and the way it changed his perspective on learning languages.

Among other topics discussed in this conversation with Benny, Brian explains the “Living Latin” movement, using Latin in a spoken way, and whether or not Latin is a useful stepping stone to learn modern romance languages.

Brian also shares about his love for grammar, insights on the other languages he has learned, including Arabic, Farsi, and French, as well as stories and tips from his career as a translator.

PS: Definitely listen to this episode if you want to hear Benny’s special pronunciation of Latin words :)

Mentioned in this Episode

Brian’s blog post on Fluent in 3 Months: How to Speak Latin: A Beginner’s Guide to Living LatinLingua Latina Per Se IllustrataScorpioMartianus YouTube channelMagisterCraftLatinitiumAssimilitalkiIndustryArabic

Podcast theme: “A New Beginning” by Shannon Kennedy