AI (Artificial Intelligence) is a hot topic at the moment, and in this episode of Language Chats we’re speaking with Melbourne-based conversation designer Grace Frances, whose work involves training AI assistants to interact with people and the creative aspect of conversational AI.

We chat with Grace about what conversation design is and what it entails, how she found herself working in this exciting new field from a background in linguistics and copywriting, the ethics of working in this space, and the potential opportunities that AI could provide from a language and accessibility perspective.

We hope you enjoy listening (and learning!) from this chat as much as we did! Have a question for Grace or for us? Get in touch or join our Facebook group, Language Lovers AU Community, to connect with other like-minded language lovers in Australia and abroad.

Episode Links

A guide to conversation design: why, what and how - Conversation Design Institute

What is Natural Language Understanding & How Does it Work? - Simplilearn

The Power of Tech for Good: Why AI Needs a Moral Compass - Grace Frances on Medium

The Evolution of Etiquette: Why Language Matters in Conversational AI - Grace Frances on Medium

Find Grace on LinkedIn