Penny and Bec chat about language travel in this episode - what it is and how to get the most from it!
Penny is a long-term fan of language travel and has been on language trips to to Vietnam, China and Taiwan as part of her Vietnamese and Chinese learning. With an upcoming French language trip planned for New Caledonia, Bec asks Penny why she loves language travel so much.
Penny loves the face-to-face connections that language travel allows you to have, the opportunity to use phrases, words and structures that you’ve learned in a real-life setting, soaking up the culture, food, history of the place and exposing your children and partner to a new language and culture too (so that they can see how amazing learning languages can actually be)!
Have you been on a language trip? Or are you considering going on one? Let us know! We love talking about language learning travel - so hit us up with any questions!
New Caledonia French Language Trip - May 2020 held by Penny from Lingo Mama
Language Trips including Vietnam in November 2020 held by Penny from Lingo Mama
Language Trip information
Language Trip blogs by Lingo Mama
German retreats held by Kerstin from Fluent Language
Spanish retreats held by Katie from Joy of Languages
Spanish retreats held by Maria from Embodied Spanish
French retreats held by Jessica from French Sunny Side
Italian retreats held by Katie from Joy of Languages

Penny and Bec chat about language travel in this episode - what it is and how to get the most from it!

Penny is a long-term fan of language travel and has been on language trips to to Vietnam, China and Taiwan as part of her Vietnamese and Chinese learning. With an upcoming French language trip planned for New Caledonia, Bec asks Penny why she loves language travel so much.

Penny loves the face-to-face connections that language travel allows you to have, the opportunity to use phrases, words and structures that you’ve learned in a real-life setting, soaking up the culture, food, history of the place and exposing your children and partner to a new language and culture too (so that they can see how amazing learning languages can actually be)!

Have you been on a language trip? Or are you considering going on one? Let us know! We love talking about language learning travel - so hit us up with any questions!


New Caledonia French Language Trip - May 2020 held by Penny from Lingo Mama
Language Trips including Vietnam in November 2020 held by Penny from Lingo Mama
Language Trip information
Language Trip blogs by Lingo Mama
German retreats held by Kerstin from Fluent Language
Spanish retreats held by Katie from Joy of Languages
Spanish retreats held by Maria from Embodied Spanish
French retreats held by Jessica from French Sunny Side
Italian retreats held by Katie from Joy of Languages