In this episode, we’re speaking with US-based Lauren Williams, a speech language pathologist and founder of Polyglot Station and Language TV Club.

As well as working with language day-to-day, Lauren is also a long-time language enthusiast who has studied French, Spanish and Mandarin Chinese (and dabbled in others!). We chat with her about her work as a speech language pathologist, her language learning experiences, how Polyglot Station and Language TV Club began and how they have grown.

We hope you enjoy this Language Chat! Have a question for Lauren or for us? Get in touch or join our Facebook group, Language Lovers AU Community, to connect with other like-minded language lovers in Australia and abroad!

Episode Links

Language Chats Ep #36 - Fascinated by sound: A chat with opera singer and speech pathologist, Sarah Lobegeiger de Rodriguez

Language Chats Ep #73 - From Linguistics to Speech Pathology: A chat with Erin Tibbitts

Polyglot Station | @polyglotstation

Language TV Club | @languagetvclub

Drôle (French language series)

Dark (German language series)

Find Lauren on Instagram: @livingonlanguage