Back on the road again, Matt and Frank discuss a recent trip to the heart of deer country in SouthEast Kansas. Working with new landowners is always enjoyable, but these two, a father and son, have an incredible work ethic and desire to improve habitat the right way. They aren't looking for quick fixes, they know the work before themis going to be tough, but rewarding. So we developed a plan for them to use in transforming a simple travel corridor into a deer holding and hunting mecca. 

This 120 acres of an abandoned homestead is the only cover around for a large area. Two large creek systems flow through the farm north to south that is surrounded by native pastures and dotted agriculture fields. You can see as it lays by examining and aerial that this farm would be attracting deer along this large corridor. However, that is isn't satisfactory, the goal is to maximize each and every acre! So we are going to expand existing corridors, create new ones running east to west with the existing cover andslow deer down as they hit the farm by creating new food resources and superior bedding. 

I cannot wait to get the success photos back from these two! This farm is ready for an overhaul and these two landowners are just the pair to do. #ForLoveoftheLand 


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