Sit back and enjoy! Yup, we went there and put a bullseye on soybeans!  This week, we invited Kip Adams of the QDMA to discuss how bucks grow antlers. This is a complex subject and one that many folks are severely misunderstood about. The timing is critical to understand when evaluating the driving factors and influences revolving around antlers. 

Many people are focused on turkey hunting or food plots to slow down and see that antler formation begins during late March or April each and every year. Soybeans in most areas are still two months away from being a beneficial forage and adding value to antler growth. Roughly 50%+ of antlers are developed by mid-June! Think about that the next time you consider how valuable food plots are to growing antlers.  So what then makes antlers grow? Forbs, native broadleaf annual and perennial plant species are the magic that fuels the mind-blowing growth every hunter is enthralled with each fall. 

Please take time to share this podcast with each hunter, food plotter. land manager, and whitetail enthusiast that you know. Antlers help drive conservation, so understanding them is critical will help improve habitat across the country.


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