Electric assist has by all accounts been responsible for the recent resurgent bent industry sales. E-assisted bikes and trikes are now everywhere and having an impact on streets and trails worldwide. In an effort to control this new type of bicycle legislators and regulators are grappling with ways to balance safety and use.

On this webcast we try to shed some light on the laws and regulations you might encounter wherever you ride your bent. Steve Magas, "Ohio's Bike Lawyer", is back with us along with  Bicycle Evolution owner Doug Davis to help guide us through this thorny maze.

In addition Larry Varney has a report on riding a Catrike Eola at the recent Big Honkin' Trike Rally he attended in Florida and Denny Voorhees has an important announcement concerning a new fully sanctioned recumbent racing event.

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Thanks to our great sponsors this month
TerraCycle  https://t-cycle.com/
Trailside.bike  https://trailside.bike/
Trailside BOGO offer details  https://mailchi.mp/trailside.bike/bogo
Cruzbike  https://cruzbike.com/
TerraTrike  https://www.terratrike.com/
Hostel Shoppe  https://hostelshoppe.com/

Steve Magas  https://www.ohiobikelawyer.com/
Doug Davis   https://bit.ly/2Uf6ZsN

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