A Dutchman making world class velomobiles in Romania? Meet Jan Wijnen the improbable owner of Velomobile World. Jan tells us about how he ended up manufacturing the velos of prominent Dutch and German makers by building a factory in this central European country. We chat about his production process and his big plans for the future of Velomobiles around the world. 

Next we continue our important discussion of where to compete with your bent. Greg Eberdt of the Arkansas Senior Olympics and Andy Hollinger of the Texas State Road Championships join Doug Davis to talk about their respective recumbent friendly events coming up later this year.

Finally we welcome our pals David Black and Anja Wrede from RAD Innovations/Hase USA to the show. He talks about Hase's amazing delta trikes and answers all your questions in an AMA session.

00:00:00  Intro
00:00:47  What’s on Today’s Show
00:02:10  Panel Introduction
00:05:10  Sponsor Introduction
00:06:40  Jan Wijnen with Velomobile World in Romania
01:01:30  Greg Eberdt with Arkansas Senior Olympics and Andy Hollinger with Texas State Road Championships  
01:30:45  David Black and Anja Wrede with HASE USA doing an AMA
01:51:58  Sponsor Thanks
01:53:40  Coming up next month
01:55:30  How you can support the Laidback Bike Report

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Thanks to our great sponsors this month
TerraCycle  https://t-cycle.com/
Trailside.bike  https://trailside.bike/
Cruzbike  https://cruzbike.com/
TerraTrike  https://www.terratrike.com/
Hostel Shoppe  https://hostelshoppe.com/

Jan Wijnen
Velomobile World  https://www.velomobileworld.com/

Greg Eberdt
Arkansas Senior Olympics  http://arseniorolympics.org/

Andy Hollinger  
Texas State Road Championship at Ft. Hood  https://www.bikereg.com/fhc

David Black and Anja Wrede
Hase USA  https://www.hasebikesusa.com/

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