Have you ever been rolling so fast on your bent that you imagined pulling back on the handlebars and taking to the skies? Today we talk about just that with our pal Barney Harle from the British Human Power (Flight) Club. He reports on the state of flying using only pedal power from his experience at the Icarus Cup event where competition pushes innovation of these flying machines.

Next we visit with mechanical engineer and author Steve Nurse in Australia. Steve has written a wonderful book called "Cycle Zoo" which is mostly about recumbents and why you should be riding and maybe building your own. We have a few of Steve's books to give away during the webcast so join us live if you can!

For our third featured guest we head back to the UK and meet Alex Baines-Buffery. Alex is just an ordinary guy wanting to build something comfortable and fast for fun and commuting. He'll introduce us to "Frank" a 2 wheeled wooden bent he created and share his thoughts on his results.

From our regular panelists we have segments from Peter Stull folding a Linear bike into a Honda Odyssey and our velo guru Josef Janning shows how he uses a Radical Design trailer with his velomobiles.  Honza will be along with the recumbent news of the month as always.

00:00:00  Intro
00:00:43  What’s on Today’s Show
00:03:00  Panel Introduction
00:05:00  Sponsor Introduction
00:06:40  Recumbent News in 5 with Honza Galla
00:10:44  Barney Harle-Human Powered Flying in the UK
00:38:45  Steve Nurse-Author of “Cycle Zoo”
01:03:50  Alex Baines-Buffery-Building my own Frankenstein Bent
01:25:12  Peter Stull-Folding a Linear Bike into a Honda Odyssey
01:28:22  Josef Janning-The Radical Velomobile Trailer
01:39:25  Sponsor Thanks
01:41:08  Viewer Submissions-Jon Blumhagen’s WiFi Pedalers 2021 Mission POSSIBLE Tour
01:44:06  Coming up next month
01:45:10  Goodbye to panel and crew

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We would love to have you as a Patreon Patron where you can support all we do for as little as $1/month. Check out how it works and the benefits you can reap here: https://www.patreon.com/laidbackbikereport

*Thanks to our great sponsors this month*
TerraCycle  https://t-cycle.com/
Trailside Trikes  https://trailside.bike/  
Cruzbike  https://cruzbike.com/
TerraTrike/Greenspeed https://www.terratrike.com/ and http://greenspeed-trikes.com/
Laidback Cycles https://laidbackcycles.com/
Recumbent Cycle-Con https://www.recumbentcyclecon.com

*Guest Links*
*Barney Harle

British Human Powered Flying Club

*Steve Nurse
Book: http://modularbikes.com.au/
Chain forces article: https://hupi.org/HPeJ/0024/ChainForcesRecumbentCycles.pdf
Trikes Background with links to plans: http://www.modularbikes.com.au/bigatthefront.html
Other bike-related designs: http://modularbikes.blogspot.com/2021/09/links-to-my-bike-related-designs.html

*Alex Baines-Buffery

*LBR Review Team Links*
Linear Bikes  https://linearrecumbent.com/
Radical Design  https://www.radicaldesign.com/

**Viewer Submissions or Questions**
Send to [email protected]

Jon Blumhagen’s WiFi Pedalers 2021 Mission POSSIBLE Tour 

Support the Show.