What do Moms *really* want for Mother's Day? Some moms say a spa day is the thing they want most for Mother's Day. In a survey among mothers of young children, “alone time” was by far the most requested Mother’s Day gift! This could be time alone at home while Dad takes the kids to the park or zoo, or even a night alone at a nice hotel where she can take a bubble bath, order room service, and enjoy a night of uninterrupted sleep. Yes, PLEASE!!! Hahaha… In this episode, Dr. Oakley & Holly chat about some of these topics below: • Mother's Day is their biggest day of the year. On Sunday, they'll sell over 10,000,000 pieces of chicken resulting in close to $18,000,000 in sales… Guess the restaurant? • HOT Mother in Law- A study published in the Daily Mail reveals that 50% of married men find their mother-in-law ATTRACTIVE. – I got it from my mama.  • “Lingerie” good idea for a Mother’s Day present? • And… Do you really want “sexy time” with your partner on Mother’s Day? Or SLEEP? Ha! Happy Mother’s Day to all you fabulous LBP listeners. “A mother is your first friend, your best friend, your forever friend.” Ladies, always remember: Maintain vaginal health with topical hormones and oral supplements as directed by your physician. We LOVE our Sponsor UTIVA - Dr. Oakley loves and recommends Utiva to her patients and she takes it daily. Check it out: https://www.utivahealth.com/ - Her favorite is the Utiva Cranberry PACs: it’s a simple, small, once-a-day pill taken for daily support of the urinary tract to prevent ongoing UTIs. PACs are also the antioxidant of the cranberry and provide other gut health benefits. Love it!! Thank you for listening. Please send in your comments, questions and suggestions for future topics at [email protected].