Dr. Oakley & Holly believes SEXY is self-expression. Feeling sexy is a state of mind. Sexy is being unapologetically you. Ladies, our husbands/partners love us. They find us sexy by just being ourselves. They married/ are with you because they were attracted to you. Because they found you sexy. And we’re sure there were some physical aspects of that, but there’s a whole lot more to it. It’s the whole package. And we know sometimes it’s hard to feel sexy when your body has changed with time and after having kids from what it once was. But when you step into owning your sexuality and being confident in who you are now, you can be sexy. Sexy is being unapologetically you. Feeling sexy is a state of mind. There are a lot of factors that go into getting that mindset, but the most important is having good energy and feeling good about yourself — being happy with who you are. As women we are sold the story that sexiness is being a certain age or size, but I don’t buy it. Sexiness comes from within. Yes, a nice compliment from our partners helps, but it wouldn’t be enough to sustain the feeling that I AM sexy! I feel sexiest when I feel good about myself. When I’m being brave, taking chances, and striving to achieve something. I know I am sexy because showing up, stepping up, and getting sh!t done—that’s sexy. Inner power is sexy. You’re sexy, girl!! Don’t you ever forget it!! 👑🌟💫🙌💖🌷. Thank you for listening. Please send in your comments, questions and suggestions for future topics [email protected]. Follow us on FB - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100076063815738