Post menopause bleeding. It’s not just about making the midnight run for tampons, it’s that stomach-dropping fear that “blood equals=cancer” that causes women to spend hours consulting Dr. Google for some reassurance. Although most women imagine the worst, in the overwhelming majority of cases, postmenopausal spotting or bleeding is not an indication of anything serious. But you should definitely have it checked out for reassurance. So, let's go over a few things in this episode- Dr. Oakley & Holly covers: • What are all the causes of post-menopausal bleeding? • How to know WHERE the blood is coming from… Is it coming from the vagina? The Cervix? The Uterus? • The causes of Post Menopause VAGINAL WALL BLEEDING • What causes Post Menopause CERVICAL BLEEDING? Thank you for listening. Please send in your comments, questions and suggestions for future topics at [email protected].