Kate Acheson of the Coaching Studio is our guest this week. I feel it’s a very appropriate & important conversation considering the times we are in.

Kate shares what life was like growing up in Clonmel and what influenced her decision to enter the political scene, albeit in a supporting role.  Finding her tribe was a turning point in her life path - feeling comfortable and able to be herself. #lifegoals

This easy to listen to conversation with Kate gently talks us through the meaning of ‘Self Care’  giving very grounded techniques of Self Care, Goal Setting, Vision Boarding & journaling, and if you are a perfectionist like me, tips on tackling a blank page in a new journal. 

We learn why Kate ended up in coaching and the self empowerment in attending one of her workshops. 

The pandemic has taken its toll on so many of us and you’ll certainly pick 1 or 2 tips from this woman. With six months left to see the year out, set yourself up for success.

Since this conversation, I’ve been turning my phone on flight mode at 10pm each night - it’s been a game changer!

It’s time to reset. 

Coaching Studio

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