Paula talks to us about her childhood, memories of her upbringing, her love of ballet, the joy her career brought her, to becoming a mum to the day she discovered a lump. 

In 2011, Paula discovered a lump in her breast and tells us the thoughts that consumed her.

Her message is strong in terms of acting fast when you discover a lump whether you are unsure or not, make the appointment to see your GP. 

As a mum of three young girls, she speaks about the overwhelming sense of needing to be there for her girls and the impact on her husband and her own mum and dad. Her eldest was 6 at the time. Paula speaks to everyone’s cancer being different so Dr.Google is not the resource to rely on in your early diagnosis. 

In her own words she expresses how breast cancer really attacks your femininity, the toll chemotherapy takes on your body but recalls the funny moments that occurred throughout the treatment. 

She talks about how privileged she is, how lucky she feels and no longer sweats the small stuff. 

Her words resonate and for me, making memories is what now unpins her parenting. 

Paula is an ambassador for Breast Cancer Ireland and advocates strongly for educating women of all ages to be breast aware by regularly checking. From the age 17 we should be encouraging breast awareness. 

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