Truly successful people have no problem sharing how they got to the top. They come from a place of abundance and know if they give you their tricks and tips for success, it won't negatively impact their own business. Everyone got where they are with the help of someone else - CEOs and top producers are no different.

Jesse Laner is one of those successful people. As the Managing Broker and Co-Founder of C3 Real Estate Solutions, Jesse based his company, and even brand name, after the 3 qualities successful people must posses; Character, Culture, and Commitment. Through impacting the community and being determined to leave a legacy of significance, Jesse is set out on changing the real estate industry.

Tune into this special episode to learn why you need to sell without selling, the power of mind & mindset, and why there is no replacement for displacement.

Books mentioned on this episode: Ninja Selling by Larry Kendall

We believe Leaders are READERS, below are a few of our favorite leadership books: Entreleadership – 20 years of practical business wisdom, Dave Ramsey The Ideal Team Player – How to recognize and cultivate three ideal traits in your team, Patrick Lencioni Business Boutique– A woman’s guide for making money and doing what she loves, Christy Wright  Our 3 Most Recent Episodes: EP #83: Momprennuer - CEO at Work & Home: Becky Barrick got her start in real estate at the young age of 21. She quickly learned real estate is easy to get into, but not so easy to be successful in. And ultimately, if you want something bad enough, you’re going to have work A LOT for it.  EP #82: Perseverance Above All Else: As a child you idolize your parents, they are our first role models. For Matt Laricy, both his father and grandfather were in the real estate industry and inspired his decision at a very young age to purse real estate making him a 3rd generation realtor. The major difference was Matt wanted to do it completely different than his family – he wanted to make his own path. EP #81: How to Craft a Mission Statement: A mission statement breathes life into the lungs of an organization, it provides substance for the vision. But creating such a defining single sentence statement can be a daunting task. For Calibrate Real Estate CEO and Podcast host Kyle Malnati, that very task took over 2 years to complete. EP #80: 4 Instagram Strategies Every Brand Needs: There is no magic code or hashtag to use on your social media accounts to miraculously produce leads; there is no secret formula. Thats the bad news. But, the good news is… there is a formula

~Kyle Malnati, REALTOR Calibrate Real Estate 900 East Louisiana Avenue #203, Denver, CO 80210

Intro created by the team of Hey Mr Digital Media based out of Denver Colorado. Intro Music credit: 8 Bit Universe