In a society where CEOs are only 27% female, we must go above and beyond to push cultural evolution and continue to level up. As a mom and the CEO/Owner of Red Oak Realty, with over 100 agents and 15 staff members, Vanessa Bergmark knows that finding synergy and mission alignment with the right people allows the opportunities to create themselves. As a leader, you must be confident in your offerings and set boundaries to avoid burnout in an industry that demands our attention at all times. With each new level comes new challenges, and only the inspired and focused advance.

Links Mentioned on this Episode: 

The Business Boutique - Christy Wright

Leaders and Legends Podcast #8: Vanessa Bergmark 

On This Episode You’ll Lean More About:

The structure and efficiencies needed to allow women to rise up come from within the organization Remembering what is important day to day Why not being confident in your offering allows you to sacrifice your standards The best agents are the ones that do what they say they are going to do Burnout occurs internally and you can be in control with self awareness Crayon Concepts and Hive Learning Goal Setting versus Fear Setting



We believe Leaders are READERS, below are a few of our favorite leadership books:

Entreleadership – 20 years of practical business wisdom, Dave Ramsey The Ideal Team Player – How to recognize and cultivate three ideal traits in your team, Patrick Lencioni Business Boutique – A woman’s guide for making money and doing what she loves, Christy Wright 

Our Top 3 Episodes:

EP #53: Create the Things you Wish Existed  Being who you truly are in a world of influence is easier said than done. Figuring out what is important for you to accomplish in life, not only because it is the social norm, but because it truly fulfills you is vital. As a leader with any level of success, you have proven you have good instincts – lean into them. EP #51: In The Eye of the Storm Holding strong through the eye of the storm is one of the bravest things a person can do in life. Not knowing where or how you will end up on the other side is a fear unlike any other. For Candice Skinner, that storm was close to home with a husband struggling from PTSD and drug abuse. Instead of running, Candice found peace in the storm through her faith and not only kept her family together, but managed to maintain her successful real estate brokerage.. EP #52 – Top 5 Episodes of the Calibrate Podcasts of 2018  The end of the year marks a threshold and invites a pause for reflection. It is a great time to take stock of the year that has passed and look ahead to the future. Whether you are in a leadership role, an aspiring leader, or just want to be your best at work and life, the habit of self reflection can build self-awareness and resilience.

~Kyle Malnati, REALTOR Calibrate Real Estate 900 East Louisiana Avenue #203, Denver, CO 80210

Intro created by the team of Hey Mr Digital Media based out of Denver Colorado. Intro Music credit: 8 Bit Universe