You are a successful real estate agent – your time is incredibly valuable. A great Inside Sales Agent team (ISA) to prospect and convert inbound leads into sales can be a game-changer that can level up your business. But how do you find the right people who have the grit and work ethic to get the job done?

Gustavo “Gus” Muñoz Castro joins the Podcast this week to discuss how you can scale your real estate business with the right ISAs and how to track their success.

Gus went from being a respected Microsoft Senior Engineer to a top real estate agent who now helps other agents through inside sales support. He runs one of the largest inside sales teams for real estate in North America, PowerISA, with 100 agents making about 50,000 outbound calls per day. His team handles all of the “cold calling” and inbound support, helping to nurture leads and convert them into actual sales.

Are you ready to scale your real estate business? Tune in to learn more!

Connect with Gus: 

Book a free call with PowerISA today!

PowerISA website:

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We believe Leaders are READERS, below are a few of our favorite leadership books: Entreleadership – 20 years of practical business wisdom, Dave Ramsey The Ideal Team Player – How to recognize and cultivate three ideal traits in your team, Patrick Lencioni Business Boutique– A woman’s guide for making money and doing what she loves, Christy Wright  Our 3 Most Recent Episodes: EP #175: The Surprising Solution to Overthinking with Jon Acuff Overthinking isn’t a personality trait. It’s a fear that steals time and creativity. When New York Times bestselling author Jon Acuff changed his life by transforming his overthinking, he wondered if other people might benefit from what he discovered. He commissioned a research study to ask 10,000 people if they struggle with overthinking too, and 99.5 percent said, “Yes!” Jon joins the Calibrate Real Estate Podcast this week to share how he turned overthinking from a super problem to a superpower. EP #174: How to Create a Money Mindset Edna Keep is a real estate investment teacher and author but she didn’t start out that way. From single mom at age 16 – living in subsidized housing with a daughter in subsidized daycare – to multi-millionaire Real Estate Entrepreneur, Edna created a proven process to use other people’s money to invest. She joins the Calibrate Real Estate Podcast this week to talk about how to get started investing in real estate even if you don’t have any money of your own. Her biggest secret: it’s all about mindset. EP #173: Doors Open When You Knock Originally from Southern California, Steven Ross began selling real estate there in 2005, and after moving to Colorado in 2009, he built another real estate practice from scratch. Steven says that he was the “worst type of person to be a real estate agent” because: He’s an introvert.  He doesn’t work nights or weekends. You can’t find him online (at least up through 2020). He doesn’t do parties or events. In fact, he’s completely antisocial. Yet he built a successful real estate business twice by doing one thing and one thing only: knocking on doors—over 125,000 of them. In addition to selling real estate, Steven has spent the last 20 years studying and helping people move forward in the areas of life that are important to them.

Written & Produced by Anne Russell
Hosted by Kyle Malnati

Calibrate Real Estate
2425 S. Colorado Blvd #250, Denver, CO 80222