Paying too much in capital gains tax is a major fear for investors. The old school solution, 1031 exchanges, leaves many people overpaying and over-stressed. With restrictive rules and timing, 1031 exchanges offer little possibility to diversify and no liquidity. We saw this firsthand when COVID-19 first hit and waves of Buyers were trapped in exchanges in an utterly changed markets – forced to buy (and likely overpay) something they didn’t even want.

There’s another option, and today Brett Swarts, Founder of Capital Gains Tax Solutions, walks us through a powerful method: the Deferred Sales Trust (DST). DSTs offer debt freedom, tax deferment, wealth diversification, time freedom, and legacy wealth transfer.


Brett covers the secret to selling and deferring 100’s of thousands to Millions in Capital Gains Tax, Optimal Timing Transformational Wealth Plan Cloning and his #1 wealth building hack.


Tune in to learn more!

Connect with Brett:

Email: [email protected]

Get Brett's free ebook

Episode 102

We believe Leaders are READERS, below are a few of our favorite leadership books:

Entreleadership – 20 years of practical business wisdom, Dave Ramsey The Ideal Team Player – How to recognize and cultivate three ideal traits in your team, Patrick Lencioni Business Boutique– A woman’s guide for making money and doing what she loves, Christy Wright 

Our 3 Most Recent Episodes:

EP #163: Proposed Tax Changes for 2021 - Taxes Impact Your Bottom Line The start of a new year and a new administration in the White House means changes to the tax code. No matter the level of investor, it’s smart to stay up-to-date on how tax law changes can impact your bottom line. EP: #162: Profit First for Real Estate Agents with Damon Yudichak This week on the podcast we are tackling Real Estate Agents’ biggest issue: their money. Our guest, Damon Yudichak, author of the upcoming book Profit First for Real Estate Agents, walks us through his simple process. EP #161: Drive More Opportunities with Data Using software to help small businesses disrupt the disruptors, Aaron Norris, VP of Market Insights at PropertyRadar, helps real estate agents harness the power of public data to create opportunities.

Written & Produced by Anne Russell
Hosted by Kyle Malnati

Calibrate Real Estate
2425 S. Colorado Blvd #250, Denver, CO 80222