This week on the podcast we are tackling Real Estate Agents’ biggest issue: their money. Our guest, Damon Yudichak, author of the upcoming book Profit First for Real Estate Agents, walks us through his simple process.

Many Real Estate Agents find themselves in the same trap: as our supply of money increases, our demand for it increases, and often we look up at the end of the month and have no idea where our commission checks went.

The solution? A straightforward system – enter Profit First for Real Estate Agents. Damon flips the script on the traditional business model of Income minus Expenses equals Profit. Instead, start with profit first.

Damon focuses on how to streamline money for Real Estate Agents by offering tactical advice you can implement today. Step one - start small, with baby steps that will move you in the right direction.

Tune into this week’s episode to get a glimpse of Damon’s wisdom and learn how to change your life by focusing on profit first in your business.

Connect with Damon:

Contact Damon

Damon on Instagram

Work with Damon


We believe Leaders are READERS, below are a few of our favorite leadership books:

Entreleadership – 20 years of practical business wisdom, Dave Ramsey The Ideal Team Player – How to recognize and cultivate three ideal traits in your team, Patrick Lencioni Business Boutique– A woman’s guide for making money and doing what she loves, Christy Wright 

Our 3 Most Recent Episodes:

EP #161: Drive More Opportunities with Data Using software to help small businesses disrupt the disruptors, Aaron Norris, VP of Market Insights at PropertyRadar, helps real estate agents harness the power of public data to create opportunities. EP #160: Uplifting Humanity Through Real Estate: Atlas Real Estate Co-Founder, Ryan Boykin is our guest. Atlas’s mission is to uplift humanity through real estate, something Ryan takes very seriously. He discusses his philosophy as an entrepreneur and shares some of his best tips for Investors looking to get started. EP #159: Instagram Strategies for Brokers What does your Social Media say about your Brand? Are you making the impression you want or are you sending the wrong message? It’s time to untangle your Instagram Marketing strategy with Katie Brinkley, founder of Next Step Social Communications. Katie joins the Podcast to give us real, tactical tips to make an impact on Instagram that you can implement today!

Written & Produced by Anne Russell
Hosted by Kyle Malnati

Calibrate Real Estate
2425 S. Colorado Blvd #250, Denver, CO 80222