Today’s episode of Feedcast highlights the concerns around lack of supply and the risks this is causing in the market. With roughly only 40% of the market covered at the moment for winter, now is the time to begin to think about getting the materials you need.

While the US soya harvest is in early days at the moment, the first reports are of yields not looking as good as hoped. The markets are relying on a good crop coming out of North America for the winter ration, without this we can expect prices to rise. South America has begun very early plantings, and it is too early to say what this will look like but at the moment the ground is too dry to facilitate the large crop that is needed to keep summer 2022 prices down. It could be worth your while looking at starting your summer cover now.

On the mid-proteins, nearby shortage of rape meal continues to hold prices up, with lack of seed selling, coupled with logistical challenges unlikely to improve in the coming weeks/months. Ensus Distillers represent very good value for the winter, but again, volumes look to be limited and general availability of mid-proteins remains the primary concern at present. 

While prices are higher than last winter, Sugarbeet looks very good value against Soya Hulls which continue to struggle for availability, even in to the winter. Its also worth remembering that at these levels, Sugarbeet is still a lot cheaper than it’s peak price in early summer. Generally, it seems unlikely we will see a drop in these markets which are reflecting the shortage of material around the globe and consequently high demand.

Moving forward we would recommend really focusing on your winter requirements. The supply situation is not going to loosen over the next couple of months and we may well see issues of getting what you want when you want it for the foreseeable future.