In the latest episode of Feedcast hear James Barker and James Butt-Evans discuss the forthcoming USDA report, where the UK wheat market is and the effects of the weather and logistics on the global raw materials market.

This Friday sees the latest full acreage report come from the USDA.  This will be an important marker for the short/medium term direction for trade. Potentially this will show an increase in corn acreage and no change for soya, but what will this mean for yield? 

Continuing in the US, hurricane Ida has caused immense damage to supply and logistics. This has a positive effect on cost at source,  however this has been negated by the impact of increased logistics costs. We have witnessed a leap in price for maize distillers which are up around £10-15 this week, however the futures market has remained stable, suggesting this price rise is due to the transport issues. 

Staying with logistics, Argentina continues to suffer from low water, this is resulting in boats only being able to be filled to 50-60% capacity. This may of course open up an opportunity for soya should the water levels increase.

In positive news soya is good value at the moment with prices falling to the same level as last year. This could be the protein to focus on for winter cover. In the UK rape meal and Ensus wheat distillers continue to be available, with a watch out around location as distribution continues to be an issue here with rising transport costs due to lack of drivers.

UK wheat is now 85% harvested with a mixed quality and yield. The negative effect of a small Russian crop and quality issues in France has held the price, but we are seeing London wheat futures taking a dip which suggests there are opportunities to be had. 

Now is the time to start looking for these small advantages and begin to plan ahead for Winter. As always if you require any further information or help don’t hesitate to contact your KW sales representative.