The latest episode of FeedCast is brought to you by Chris Davidson our Raw Material expert. 

Chris starts by discussing the events that have taken place in Israel and how this adds another layer of complexity when it comes to the markets. 

Throughout the podcast Chris talks about the different areas of risk that we are currently facing including the southern hemisphere weather and how it impacts different commodities. 

 On the mid protein side of things it’s a fairly similar story to what we have been seeing previously regarding lack of nearby demand and how it is keeping prices supressed. We are continuing to see problems with supply of Erith Rapemeal, where we are roughly looking at a week to 10 day lead time. 

 Chris discusses the new product that has been created on the UK Sugarbeet front, which is here to compete with imports and Soyahulls. It is looking pretty good value in the fibres market and is attracting significant interest. Novapro continues to move strongly as an alternative to Soya and is continually filling the gap. 

 Have a listen to hear Chris’ thoughts on these topics and what else is happening in the market!

 As always get in touch with your sales representative or contact us in the office if you have any queries. 

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Please note: The information provided during this podcast has been prepared for general informational purposes only and does not constitute advice. The information must not be relied upon for any purpose and no representation or warranty is given as to its accuracy, completeness or otherwise. Any reference to other organisations, businesses or products during the podcast are not endorsements or recommendations of AB Agri or its affiliated companies. The views of the presenter are personal and may not be the views of AB Agri. The contents of this podcast are the copyright of AB Agri.