The latest episode of FeedCast is brought to you by Chris Davidson our Raw Material Expert. This episode has been delayed in order to wait for the release of the September USDA report. 

Chris dives into the USDA report, discussing what the end stocks are looking like in the US and around the world before going on to discuss what this will mean for prices. 

The mid-proteins are seeing some pressure on price, driven by lack of demand during this late summer period. Availability of distillers remains good, with strong production of product from Vivergo. As we move into winter, mid-proteins look good value and will likely get harder to source once winter demand kicks in.

Overall, our view hasn’t particularly changed after the USDA report. Soya harvest is weeks away and could add some pressure, whilst cereals and mid-proteins have gone through a period of relatively strong availability at harvest but are moving the other way. The risk of things changing in Russia/Ukraine remains constant and could happen instantaneously. 

Have a listen to hear Chris discuss these topics in-depth!  

As always get in touch with your sales representative or contact us in the office if you have any queries. 

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