With an optimized YouTube channel, you can drive more traffic to your channel. Optimizing the channel is often forgotten and most of the time goes to optimizing the YouTube video - however, it’s the channel people will subscribe to, not the video.

In this episode, Jolien will explain what you can do to optimize your YouTube channel to bring in more traffic and to increase the number of subscribers. (Second episode of the YouTube SEO series).

Host: Jolien Storteler

YouTube SEO Series - Episode 1: https://kubix.digital/podcast/youtube-seo-optimize-video-for-youtube-search/
YouTube SEO Guide: https://kubix.digital/guides/advanced-youtube-seo-pdf-guide-at-your-fingertips/
YouTube Analytics Metrics & Reports Explained: https://kubix.digital/blog/how-to-use-youtube-analytics/
YouTube Channel Support Page: https://support.google.com/youtube/topic/9257786?hl=en
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