What Ever Happened to Student Media? is a podcast series host by KTUH DJ, Program Mentor, and former General Manager Smee Wong. What Ever Happened to Student Media? will explore the University of Hawaii’s Student Media programs and their interactions with the Student Media Board, the governing organization for the media programs.

In this episode, Esther Kim, Ka Leo's Editor in Chief, shares her inspirational story of becoming a UH Mānoa social work student and EIC of Ka Leo. Ms. Kim discusses her insights on managing a newspaper and her future goal.

Esther Kim is a junior Bachelors of social work student at UH Mānoa. She grew up in Honolulu and was born in Guam. She discovered journalism by chance as she had mistaken an intro to journalism class as a creative writing class where students wrote in journals. True story and best decision slash mistake she's ever made. She wants to one day move to DC for grad school, she doesn't know if journalism will be her future career, but she hopes to combine social work with journalism along with entrepreneurship.

For more information about Ka Leo, please visit: https://www.manoanow.org/kaleo/
Esther Kim's profile and featured articles: https://www.manoanow.org/users/profile/esther%20kim/