CONTENT... We are surrounded by it... Consuming content shapes our character and makes us who we are...

Seems Weird, Right?

But it's true...

Content is something which we consume almost all day... Knowingly or Unknowingly...

It has a huge impact on us...

Try changing the content that you consume for a month and you will see the difference...

I'll be stating 3 steps to build an efficient content consumption space...

I Hope This Episode Changes You For Good...

Enjoy The Episode...


Content Creators I Recommend:





koi_nayi_baat_batao ofc

And just to add some fun to your feed, you can follow my buddy from college Aaryan Kataria @katariaaryann for damn funny reels…


Ankur Warikoo


The School Of Life

There is a lot of content is available on YouTube... In My Eyes, this is the best platform for all type of content...


Ranveer Show 

On Purpose with Jay Shetty

The Joe Rogan Experience

Koi Nayi Baat Batao w/ Dhruv Bordia

Podcast is the best way to learn form other people's experience and mistakes...

My Personal Favorite Documentaries:

The Last Dance

Inside Bill's Brain

Bad Boy Billionaires


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Social Media Handles:

Koi Nayi Baat Batao - Instagram | YouTube

Dhruv Bordia - Instagram | Twitter | YouTube

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