Fredrik talks to Nolan Lawson - web performance expert, Mastodon instance maintainer, creator of a highly accessible Mastodon web client, and more. We discuss, among other things, the joys of distributed social media, where unlike centralized places like Twitter nobody can stop innovation when it comes to clients and interfaces and ways of use. Nolan talks about how and why he built Pinafore - his Mastodon client. We touch on the different experiences people have and want out of social media, digital wellness, and how caring about performance cam be an act of empathy.

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Comments, questions or tips? We are @kodsnack, @tobiashieta, @iskrig and @bjoreman on Twitter, have a page on Facebook and can be emailed at [email protected] if you want to write longer. We read everything we receive.

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Links Nolan Lawson Salesforce Pouchdb Mastodon Open source maintainer guilt - the Mastodon server Nolan runs Ruby Brent Simmons Glitch Darius Kazemi Hometown - Darius’ fork Eugen Rochko - creator and maintainer of Mastodon Mastodon terminology and ways of working Ruby on rails React Webpack How to write a carousel Van Halen’s M&M rider clause Built-in modules Curl Pinafore Progressive web apps Service workers Cross-origin resource sharing - CORS Gilbert and Sullivan - and their Pinafore Tweetdeck Blurhash - and on Github OCR - optical character recognition Tesseract.js WASM - Webassembly Emscripten Wellness settings in Pinafore Emoji mart - the emoji picker library Svelte Vue Babel JSX Rollup Accurately measuring layout on the web requestAnimationFrame High-performance input handling on the web Browsers, input events, and frame throttling Pointer events Local storage Indexeddb Intersection observer Resize observer Titles I was really excited Falling in and out of it Tweets are toots The goal of a lot of web standards I really mistrust a library I believe in the open web Eugene had already thought about this Mixed degrees of success My preference is single column She’s on weird Mastodon It’s all kind of cacophonous, but it’s beautiful at the same time Every component has a bit of Svelte in it It’s really based on empathy


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