Previous Episode: St. Louis Zoo
Next Episode: Kansas City Zoo

What?!  A zoo in Columbia?  No.  There is a Zou in Columbia but only the tiger kind.  The kind that whooped ass over Kansas in football this year.

In between St. Louis and Kansas City I couldn't pass up stopping to see the campus.  It was also the kids first chance to see where the old man went to school. 

We saw my old dorm and drove by the stadium.  We couldn't see the new basketball area but there was a gate open at the Farout Field.  I told Evan it was ok to step over the chain and walk on the turf.  The next thing I know...

I never got out on the field back in the day.  I love those kids.
We actually pulled into town the night before and went out to dinner at the Heidelberg.  I loved that place.  We met my friend Gary there (whom I neglected to get a picture of).  We got some frozen yogurt too in the company of the girls softball team fresh off their college world series visit.  It was great to catch up with him and see the old place.  He even set up up with a hotel room.  I wish Columbia was closer.
The next day was when we went all around campus.  We hit the bookstore and of course the columns.  I am nostalgic to the core and it was great to get back.For lunch we met up with my college girlfriend Denise at Shakespeares pizza.  Such good pizza and the company was pretty good too.  It was great to catch up.
We then trucked on over to Kansas City.  Our hotel was right next to Royals stadium.  This picture is from our room.