Since the outbreak of COVID 19, travel restrictions and stay-at-home measures of the government immobilized people’s activities, shutdown bricks and mortar businesses, and disrupted the events industry. While the majority of other sectors declined significantly or even collapsed, eCommerce skyrocketed its sales within the first weeks.


In this episode of the Knucklehead Podcast, Chris will talk about his entrepreneurial journey, the statistics behind his growth, and the impact of COVID 19 on his business.


From trying to meet ends doing his photography and videography in his little production company, Chris is now growing their business from 2.5 million in revenue in 2019 and projected revenue of $10+million in 2020.


Chris Meade is the co-Founder of the Chief Marketing Officer at CROSSNET.

He assisted and helped design the patented CROSSNET game, creates and manages wholesale relationships with retail and e-commerce vendors, and

establishes relationships with over one thousand schools throughout the US & Canada.


Out of just wanting to have fun, together with his brother and childhood friend, they invented CROSSNET -the world's first four-way volleyball game.





Favorite Quote


“There's no better way to learn than just by doing it. And you're going to take some bumps like we didn't put the right label on a box and they got hit with a $5,000 fine. I'll never get fine that again. Cause I'll never do that again. You don't learn and study it, you go through it.’


                                                                               - Chris Meade


In this Episode

1:14 - Get familiar with CROSSNET and how it started


3:06 - How Chris handled inventory and fundings for their business


4:18 - Brief story of his entrepreneurial journey


5:32 - The difference between his process before and his business operations now


6:24 - How COVID impacted his business


7:39 - What's the biggest challenge their business had to overcome during the pandemic


9:52 - The most predominant part of managing their e-commerce


11:13 - His thought process of dealing with marketing strategies


13:54 - CROSSNET distribution channels


15:35 - What major challenge his company needs to overcome going through the winter season


17:04 - His mindset of creating a model or best practices in drop shipping


18:08 - What's next for CROSSNET


Engage with Chris Meade





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Knucklehead Media Group is your “push button” for podcasts. We help companies and organizations tell their story using podcasts and best practices for content distribution. Home to some of the top podcasts across multiple categories, captivating coursework on gaining traction with your show, and consulting to those companies BOLD enough to get some wins. We believe your mistakes set the foundation for your success, those stories help customers beat a pathway to your doorstep, and the myths from bringing business online shouldn't hold you back from getting yours.


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