Counterfeit emails are really hard to spot, and in situations like business email comprise the attacker is impersonating the real owner, and the real owner has *no idea* what’s going on.

Listen to Kelvin Tegelaar of Lime Networks and Barb Paluszkiewicz of CDN Technologies go through a mini table top on good practices and controls that you may want to add to your accounting processes to avoid being a victim of fake and counterfeit emails.

00:00 – 02:05
Barb’s introduction

02:06 – 03:32
Meet Kelvin

03:33 – 26:17
You receive an email from your supplier to update your banking information for them. What to do?

26:18 – 26:54
The most important thing Kelvin has ever learned.

26:55 – 28:52
Barb’s extro