As we adjust to the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic – one thing is certain we are spending more time at home than we are used to. We’re cooking more at home, and watching more TV, and  that honey do list is getting shorter and shorter as we’re upgrading and improving our living space.

In our new normal, we are living like “The Jetsons” Everything has Bluetooth, Wifi and an app to help us stay connected and productive.

Joining Barb Paluszkiewicz today to talk about SMART devices in our homes and the evolution of tech is Marc Saltzman.

If you remember what it was like going to the movies, Marc hosted the pre-show “Gear Guide” which ran on the big screen at Cineplex movie theater screens across Canada. He’s also a freelance journalist for more than 40 publications (including a syndicated column with USA TODAY), a 16 time author, a radio and television personality and public speaker.

00:00 - 01:41
Barb’s introduction

01:42 - 03:10
Meet Marc

03:11 - 08:08
Where did Marc enter the tech timeline and how did Marc get started in the tech space?

08:09 - 14:11
What are the biggest changes and advancements in tech Marc has seen?

14:12 - 17:42
Can you think of any tech that has stayed the same?

17:43 - 20:10
Do you get a lot of people reaching out to you to tell you about IT scams?

20:11 - 22:04
The gift basket scam

22:05 - 25:14
The evolution of cyber crime

25:15 - 28:44
The most important thing Marc has ever learned?

28:45 - 29:42
Marc's new TV show

29:43 - 31:57
Barb’s extro