Hey Folks! Welcome to Know Tech Talk with Barb. Tips, Advice and Consulting for your Business’s IT. I am your host Barb Paluszkiewicz, and for those of you taking notes Paluszkiewicz is spelled the exact way it sounds Paluszkiewicz:)

Today we're talking about how to how to create a computer –telecommunications disaster recovery plan aka business continuity plan for your business phone system. Keeping your phones safe and secure because very few business can continue operating without their phones. Business continuity / disaster recovery is quite the hot button these days since cyber attacks are on the rise, and mother nature is always angry with some part of the world. Companies, big and small and executives of all ages are incorporating disaster recovery and business continuity plans for their servers, PC’s, and now we’re adding phones and voice data to be part of the business continuity plan. Because if you have no phone, when there’s something strange, and it don’t look good, who are you going to call???