Hey Folks! Welcome to Know Tech Talk with Barb. Tips, Advice and Consulting for your Business’s IT.  There is more data stored on cell phones and computers than ever before and the data is much more important than it used to be. How do you keep it all safe, especially when you can lose it all in a click? 

We have a great show lined up today and we have Rob Rae from Datto. Rob is the VP of business development at Datto, he is a Mississauga Native and now travels the world on behalf of Datto educating managed service providers on how we can save and secure your business’s data and IT systems. CDN Technologies is proud to be an approved  Datto vendor, as Datto  is the best  provider of business continuity and data protection services. No matter where your data lives, Datto can protect it.  So we’re going to talk with Rob on how Datto protects your business data against Ransomware, virus’s and people – cause there is always one person in the office that clicks everything!!