Cara Lynn was an 8 years old when she was raped. Her mom didn’t find out the whole story until she was 15. She was raped a few more times and is also a survivor of a relationship with domestic violence. When her first child was born, she found out she was the product of a rape, and this then explained everything—rape is who she was.

But Cara Lynn never let these assaults break her. And after seeing the man who raped her for the third time, now in her 40’s, she fell apart and is piecing herself back together. 

Find out what it’s like for a child to live with a death threat, if she discloses the crime. How did Cara Lynn cope with her traumas without resorting to drugs, alcohol, or some other addiction? What helped her heal, and not choose death, and how can she now have compassion for these men who raped? Be the first to hear this amazing saga from an articulate, grounded and healed woman. And find out how my forthcoming book—MASTERS OF CHANGE—could have helped her. 


When you discover your passion and true calling, it’s imperative you share it in the world. Hello, I’m Cara Lynn, founder of WalkNWisdom-The Magic of Becoming You™, and creator of the Post Traumatic Self Alignment Program (PTSA). I help Trauma Survivors Break Free Forever (BFF) from survival mode to live a life they truly love. Break Free Forever from the Trauma Drama. I apply the most cutting edge science and evidence based methods in neuroscience coupled with UFH sessions to show individuals how to create a life they truly love by getting into the identity of who they want to be. I use UFH sessions as a starting point for clients or as a stand alone experience.


I have an intimate understanding of trauma through my own existence and journey. I was tired of survival mode. I knew there had to be more to this life than discouraging overwhelm, depression, and people pleasing. I became the change I wanted to see. I reclaimed my power by healing the “trauma drama”. I did not try to fix myself, because I was not broken, and neither are you. I let go of the past with the methods I’m certified in to create the woman I AM, and LOVE today. 

I combine all my experiences, knowledge and training to create individual plans and healing maps that are client led. Together we discover the wisdom in the trauma, keep the lesson & neutralize the triggers as we integrate the information in a safe, and gentle way. As clients come back into self-alignment, they naturally shift into a new mindset of a conscious creator empowered by self-love and true choice. One learns to become THE powerful creative force in their life.


When you’re ready to upgrade, release the past, stop self-sabotage, and eliminate limiting beliefs to live an authentically aligned life, then let me show you how. Let’s go from Trauma 2 Sunshine together. Let it begin with Unity Field Healing. Together We Rise.

Guest Info.

Julie’s Info.

Podcast — Bold Becoming


Website —

Email — [email protected]

Music — Happy African Village by John Bartmann


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