Verne McInnis is proving to be true the words she heard God speak: “I give my toughest battles to my strongest soldiers.” She had a pretty good childhood and was even happily married to her best friend. But at age twenty-one her world began to unravel. Her mom told her that she was adopted, then died before Verne could ask all the questions she needed to ask. Less than two years later her husband, and father of their four children, died unexpectedly. 

Find out what it’s like piecing yourself together with huge missing pieces as an adoptee. Learn how Verne managed both the grief over losing her mom, who died giving birth, and becoming a widow and single mom. Hear about how she’s still piecing herself together as we speak, but hasn’t missed a beat along the way. She found a way to keep positive through it all and now helps others do the same.


I am a content creator, keynote speaker, and a mindset renewal advisor using Kingdom practices to teach you how to look at the good things in life regardless of the difficult situation. Always think and speak positively. As an entrepreneur, I have affirmational t-shirts and other items that are powerful and positive.

Guest Info.
[email protected]

Julie’s Info.
Podcast — Bold Becoming
Book — Masters of Change 
Website —
Email — [email protected]

Music — Happy African Village by John Bartmann


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