Life in the fast lane as a mom woman leader in medicine wasn’t working out so well for Erin Hurley on the homefront. Charting on her own patients from the room where her four-year-old was hospitalized wasn’t the kind of mom she wanted to be. Demands on time, energy, and the impact on family relationships and finances are significantly different for women than men in medicine. The extra time, and emotional and physical energy women physicians put into their jobs sacrifice other areas of their lives. And the fact that their patients have better outcomes didn’t balance out this equation for Erin. 

Find out what book catalyzed the beginning of Erin’s personal transformation, helping her let go of her identity as a physician leader. Discover how coaching helped change her mindset and life and why she retired from medicine. Learn how coaching made it possible to make decisions she wouldn’t have otherwise. And how the new mindset allowed her to move from having to be right, to being open and willing to learn and grow from anyone and everyone, and the impact that has on her level of joy and satisfaction with life. 


Erin Hurley, is a physician and Certified High-Performance Coach. She founded the company, Transformational Doc, to improve the wellbeing and sustainability of women in medical careers. Erin helps transform the lives of her coaching clients through her program, “The Happier, Healthier Healer,” which takes women from being buried and burnt out, to empowered and energized without having to leave their medical career. She regularly leads breakthrough retreats and workshops for women throughout the US. Erin also positively impacts clinician wellness in her community through her service on the board of the Marion-Polk County Medical Society. She also serves on the Executive Committee for the Oregon Wellness Program, an organization developed to support the mental health of medical providers throughout the state of Oregon.

Erin has over 25 years of experience from her career as a pediatrician with the majority of that time spent in leadership positions. She has been married for 22 years and has three amazing teenaged children. During her own transformation out of chronic burnout several years ago, she began learning more about the barriers to success faced by healthcare workers, and the unique challenges faced by women in medicine. She has researched methods and strategies to help individuals get out of chronic states of exhaustion and overwhelm which became The Happier, Healthier Healer Program.

Guest Info.


Email—[email protected]

Facebook: Transformational Doc

Julie’s Info.

Podcast — Bold Becoming

Book — Masters of Change 


Email — [email protected]

Music — Happy African Village by John Bartmann


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