Happy New Year! Advent is the beginning of a new liturgical year in the Church. Do you have a New Years Resolution for this New Liturgical Year? Let me recommend a simple one… To Begin Again.

Venerable Bruno Lanteri, who founded the Oblates of the Virgin Mary, had a popular phrase he often used… Begin Again.

What a great phrase to embrace for Advent. Each Year we have an opportunity to Begin Again with each Advent. If we have struggled in the past year to become better Christians, if we feel like we have stumbled in our faith, now is the time to Begin Again.

St Paul in the 3rd chapter of his letter to the Philippians encourages us to focus on one thing:

Forgetting what lies behind and instead devoting our efforts forward to what lies ahead.

This Advent let us find the courage to Begin Again as our New Liturgical Year’s Resolution.