On this week’s walk Knightwise presents some food for thought about how we manage our private information online, and how those managing our social networks manage us as a result. LINKS Its Me App Hot Pink Slippers Flickr 30k Dataset Don’t use ISP DNS DNS DNSSec Firefox Brave Protonmail Joplin NextCloud Belgian Trains DISCORD The…

On this week’s walk Knightwise presents some food for thought about how we manage our private information online, and how those managing our social networks manage us as a result.


Its Me AppHot Pink SlippersFlickr 30k DatasetDon’t use ISP DNSDNSDNSSecFirefoxBraveProtonmailJoplinNextCloudBelgian Trains


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Mix & Production: Keith MurrayMusic CreditsAnima – Rain Dance [Free Music Archive]Metre – Waterfall [Free Music Archive]